
Usually transportation history, ideas, or other thoughts on cities and infrastructure—occasionally photo essays about similar topics. You can filter for only photography-oriented posts here.

NYC’s Most Forgotten Train Station

Few New York City neighborhoods have seen a recent explosion of development on the scale of Long Island City’s waterfront. An industrial area throughout the 20th century, Long Island City…

Why The PATH Train Never Grew

The Port Authority Trans-Hudson (PATH) system is the New York City area’s second and, to most New Yorkers, lesser-known rapid transit system. For subway riders who aren’t regularly traveling to…

Starting A National Rail Electrification Plan

Something momentous may be about to happen in United States passenger rail: Amtrak is going to gain electrified trackage. If recently-released proposals for $424M worth of passenger rail improvements in…

Pittsburgh’s Infrastructure-Saving Open Street

Nearly six months ago, Pittsburgh’s Fern Hollow Bridge collapsed into Frick Park. The collapse of the bridge, which severed one of Pittsburgh’s most important traffic arteries, drew the nation’s attention…


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